Choose one of these topic for each month to do your writing task. Don’t forget to write using the model given in class.   

  1. Why is it necessary to train your dog?
  2. Which do you prefer eating at restaurants or eating at home?
  3. What are the effects of discrimination on people?
  4. Do you like your country?
  5. Which do you prefer e-books or paper books?
  6. Should teenagers help around the house?
  7. Should boys and girls be in separate classes?
  8. Should animals be part of circus show again?  
  9. Why are friends important?
  10. The most amazing invention
  11. Can animals teach people?
  12. Why do young people like junk food?
  13. Why do people have pets?
  14. Why did whatsapp become such a popular means of communication?
  15. Is English important in your life?
  16. Your ideal achool
  17. Is your school library important?